- Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hello readers and welcome to another anime review! Rewind back to the dawn of fall 2012, you are looking at the fall 2012 anime chart, and you pick probably 5-7 anime you are going to watch. But, I can promise that the majority of you, as did I, most likely did not have Shinsekai Yori as a pick. During midst of 2013 I looked at Shinsekai Yori, the promotional picture did not catch my eye and the premises did not spark my interests. However, I did give it a shot and after finishing the anime I can promise that it is truly a spectacle, a diamond in the ruff.
- Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hello and welcome to my blog! This blog is geared toward my hobby of watching anime. I will be blogging about anything that pertains to the realm of anime. Just a heads up, all my anime reviews are also posted on MyAnimeList where you can find me under the username Decoys, making this blog allows me to make my reviews even better by inserting images and music clips into my blogposts. This is my first blogpost and it will be a review about the ever so popular anime, Parasyte from Fall 2014.
- Friday, April 24, 2015