- Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Needless to say if you lived during the 90s, the Sailor Moon fanfare was everywhere. Even I got a bit hooked onto the franchise growing up as it was part of my morning routine as a kid before going to school. For some fun I thought I would rank the five Sailor Moon instalments from worst to best. As always my ranking is based on my opinion only and could differ from yours if you decide to rank the seasons from worst to best.
- Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Move over Pokemon masters, the DigiDestined are back! When I heard that there would be another Digimon adaptation based on the original Digimon Adventure, I was jumping up and down with excitement. Growing up as a kid we had: Sailor Moon, Digimon, Pokemon, Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh and a slew of other great shows that were part of my morning television watches before heading to school. So hearing that the original Digimon was getting another adaptation, I was more than psyched to see it. Keep in mind that this is only a review for the first movie and there will be a total of six of them throughout a specific timeline.
- Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Wow, it's been a while since I watched an anime where I did not feel the urge to check my phone every five minutes. That says something about Noragami Aragoto. With amount of backstabbing, tea spilling, Yato and Yukine bickering, phenomenal action scenes, sensational music and those damn cliffhangers at the end of every single episode, Noragami Aragoto was able to take me to another world I wish I could never leave.
- Tuesday, January 05, 2016