- Saturday, December 16, 2017

Second. Last. Episode. And it was actually pretty decent! Finally Chinatsu and Tatara found their groove, and it looks like they for sure are going to takedown Kugimiya; well they better take him down or else everyone's going to be extra salty after watching the last episode.
- Sunday, December 10, 2017

We're almost at the finish line with Ballroom e Youkoso, just two more episodes remaining. To my surprise it was a Kugimiya episode, which was a decent break from the Tournament. I'm not shying away that Kugimiya is my least favourite character; originally it was the pre-becoming best friends with Tatara version of Gaju, but now it's Kugimiya.
- Saturday, December 09, 2017

Very late upload with this post, in the midst of exam chaos so I thought I'd take a break and pen my thoughts down on episode 21. I wanted to like this episode, I really did. But I was not feeling that fervor I had the for this episode like I did for the last 20.
- Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Bonjour tout le monde, I've been out of it this week with exams, work, and a lot of other distractions. Thankfully I got an email from Kess a couple of days ago that he wanted to write for me, and I was more than happy to let him. You can learn more about Kess and his thoughts on anime and video games over at TechAnimate. Please enjoy his writeup on the Top 3 Life Lessons We Learned from Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball is one of the most popular anime out there and one of the longest running. It shows no signs of slowing down. Throughout the years Dragon Ball has had a positive impact on our life by teaching us lessons that can be applied to real life. Maybe you haven't realized it yet, but you've benefited from watching this show. In this post we'll be revealing the hidden lessons that have occurred throughout the Dragon Ball series. Let's get straight into it..
- Sunday, December 03, 2017

Hmm... this week's episode was for the most part uneventful, it was still fun to watch mostly because the episode slanted more on the comedic side rather than focusing on the dance tournament itself. But hey.. not that big of a surprise given what we've got 20 episodes in.
- Thursday, November 23, 2017

Such a good and refreshing episode for this week on Ballroom. The first half was just a bunch of chirping between everyone, not much substance. But the second half of this episode where we got to know more about Chinatsu and Akira were to a tee, and that revelation about Akira was kind really out of left field.
- Saturday, November 11, 2017

Late with this upload, again, but this one's not going to be too too long (hopefully). We're in the last arc of the anime, the Tokyo Metropolitan Dance Sport Tournament. Not much happened, just a bunch of uninspiring dancing, and getting through the first few legs of the tournament.
- Saturday, November 11, 2017

Another busy week, and a very late post on my thoughts about the last episode. Well the camp arc lasted much shorter than I anticipated/ hoped for. I kind of wished it was longer than two episodes, since I loved the connections that were developing between Shizuku, Hyoudou, Tatara, Chinatsu, Mako and Gaju.
- Friday, November 03, 2017

It's getting down to the wire and we only have eight more episode left! The camp arc is in full swing, and we finally see Chinatsu meeting everyone that's been introduced up to this point in the anime, and to everyone's surprise Chinatsu and Tatara did quite well in the Grand Prix.
- Sunday, October 22, 2017

Busy week of midterms, and work but I'm cleared through the woods and I have the entire week off since! Here goes nothing trying to scrap something quick before episode sixteen is released. Wasn't too sure of what to expect coming off of Tatara and Chinatsu's D-class rank up, but this episode took me by surprise.
- Saturday, October 21, 2017

This week's episode was just one of those.. "meh" episodes. Nothing too much to talk about since not much happened, or nothing of interest happened is a better way to put it. We're at the point where Chinatsu and Tatara are working out the knots and kinks in their dance companionship.
- Saturday, October 14, 2017

My heart flatlined after watching this episode. It was that good. The full introduction of Chinatsu, Gaju being nice yet again, the flowering bond between Chinatsu and Tatara, the OST, etc.. There was so much packed, and evenly distributed into this episode that made that that enjoyable to watch.
- Friday, October 06, 2017

Loved how this week's episode of Ballroom was like a "reset" episode from the competition arcs prior to this one. The focus on Tatara's high school life, and his plans for the future in terms of dance was a much needed breather from the Tenpei Cup, the Mikasa Cup, and any serious dancing. And much to my surprise.. Gaju was likeable in this episode?
- Friday, September 29, 2017

It's over, it's finally over, the lengthy Tenpei cup is over! By the end of this episode I was glad this arc was done with, it was dragged out for far too many episodes. The quantity wasn't my issue, but the quality of this arc was so up and down within the five episodes. Having said that I did enjoy my overall experience with the Tenpei cup, and I found the ending to my satisfaction.
- Saturday, September 16, 2017

Caught a cold this week so I'm feeling under the weather, this happens every year around this time... I'm almost certain that I'm cursed... haha. Not much to talk about for this week's episode of Ballroom, so it's a short writeup this week. The episode was underwhelming after coming off the heels of a very colourful Mako episode from last week.
- Monday, September 11, 2017

Finally we're at the finals of the Tenpei cup this week. The moment we've been waiting for, or should I say the moment I've been waiting for. It was an episode that centred around Mako and Tatara for sure, with emphasis on Mako and her dancing capabilities.
- Monday, September 04, 2017

Decent episode this week. Wasn't what I expected to be but I was still okay to watch - I wanted to see more dancing. I was expecting to see the routine Sengoku prepared for Tatara and Mako to be shown in this episode, but I guess we're getting it next week. This episode dealt more with the dynamics between all the main characters.
- Tuesday, August 29, 2017

This weeks episode... not as strong as the ones that we've already seen but still decent. It was just too much Gaju (I'm not a Gaju fanatic), and the dances weren't as exciting as I thought they might have been. But there were moments that had me beaming with joy. So let's discuss...
- Monday, August 21, 2017

I have finally caught up with everyone else watching this anime. Now I can pump these posts out once every week instead of what I've been doing the past few days. Really good episode, and it looks like the tournament arc starts next week - super excited for what's to come.
- Monday, August 14, 2017

Picking up from last episode, we're introduced to two new characters into the mix: Gaju Akagi and Mako Akagi. With Hyoudou out and resting, these two are spicing up the dynamic between the characters we've been introduced so far.
- Monday, August 14, 2017

What a great episode, I feel very content after watching these episodes, Production I.G is doing a great job with Ballroom e Youkoso. With every episode I'm falling harder for the art style and animation, I notice the details and that makes watching an episode that much more sweeter.
- Sunday, August 13, 2017

Greetings everyone, my name is Lejla and with that I welcome you to my guest post here on Anime Decoy. Victor is a great blogger and I am so happy to be able to work with him. Besides being a huge anime and manga fan, I am also an anime/manga artist and the creator of the anime blog www.worldofanimegirl.blogspot.ba.
- Sunday, August 13, 2017

Episode three was perfect, if the first two episode didn't draw anyone into Ballroom e Youkoso this one would be the one that does it. I'm assuming after this episode the ball starts rolling and the plot begins to thicken.
- Saturday, August 12, 2017

On to episode two! Finished watching this episode before I headed to work and I'm writing this as I'm on the bus.. LOL. Anyways this was a good episode. I'm enjoying the animation and art style Production I.G is doing with Ballroom e Yousoko.
- Friday, August 11, 2017

Hello! I've decided that I wanted to follow and give weekly commentary on an anime that's currently airing (shocking). I always wait until an anime is finished airing until I start watching it, but this is something that I've always wanted to do on my blog. Although I'm like five weeks late into the summer 2017 anime cycle, I've finally decided which anime I'm going to write about weekly on this blog, and that's Ballroom e Youkoso. I chose to follow Ballroom e Youkoso because the concept of the anime is one of a kind from what I've ever seen (never seen a ballroom-based anime), and the anime sticks out from the rest that's currently airing.
- Thursday, August 10, 2017

Long time no see, again. I haven't had the urge to write something lately since the majority of the anime I've seen as of late were not exciting to me at all. I've just wrapped up the final season of Bakuman after picking up the first season back in 2014, and now it's 2017, so it took me some time to get to this point. I was ambivalent in writing this since it's been a minute since the final season aired, but then I thought why not talk about it to garner more potential Bakuman fans who haven't seen the anime yet. So here are a few points as to why I think Bakuman is awesome!
- Sunday, August 06, 2017

So Polygon Pictures brings another one of Tsutomi Nihei's works to life - this time it's Blame. As a fan of Sidonia no Kishi, and Polygon Pictures I guess you can assume that I was interested in watching this movie. And by the time I finished this film, I'm glad to say that I was not disappointed in the slightest (or maybe I'm being biased since I love this studio). Blame, again, was done by Polygon Pictures and released by Netflix. So Netflix subscribers have the potential to watch this amazing film!
- Tuesday, June 20, 2017

So I just finished watching Tales of Zestiria the X (both seasons) and I thought it would be a good idea to pen my thoughts about the series in word. Tales of Zestiria, abbreviated as TOZX, was done by the coveted ufotable - so how could I not give this a try?
- Thursday, June 08, 2017

Haven't written in a while, so I'm going to write a short review on a recent anime movie I saw not too long ago — Sakasama no Patema, or better known as Patema Inverted. I've never really done an anime movie "review," so here's a first. It will be a short post on aspects that I enjoyed watching, and aspects that I disliked. So please enjoy!
- Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Hey everyone, I'm fresh off of final exam season and was able to nag someone to do a guest post and write something quick for the blog. Special thanks to Jonathan, also known as PyraXadon, who was able to whip up something for me. You can find out more about his work on MyAnimeList reviewing a number of anime on a seasonal basis. Anyways please enjoy his thoughts on the very popular Kimi no Na wa:
- Saturday, April 29, 2017
I love watching anime that can stir my emotions up, Kuzu no Honkai did just that - within the first three minutes of the anime I had my eyes rolling to the back of my head. I haven't watched a romance anime in a minute and was surely expecting this anime to be another one of those cliché romance anime I can check off once I was done with it as completed in my anime repertoire. But boy was I wrong; Kuzu no Honkai was so God damn messy, however I was here for all of what Kuzu no Honkai gave me though.
- Thursday, April 06, 2017

Riding off the coattails of my previous post, here's another quick "Five Reasons to Watch"-type of writeup; this time on Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen. The last time I watched the first season of Ao no Exorcist was back in high school, so the second season came out quite a while after that, and wrapped up not too long ago. Although Kyoto Fujouou-hen does have it's fair share of "issues," I'd rather focus on the positives of the sequel since they did outweigh the cons.
- Saturday, April 01, 2017

Here are my thoughts on Amachu! I've been meaning to watch this anime, since it's related to one of my favourite anime of all time, so I got around to finishing the anime not too long ago. I'm quite content with this twelve episode- long anime so I thought I'd jot down a few points on what I think about the anime, and covey to you why you should watch it as well!
A brief synopsis of the anime before I start: slice of life anime that follows the lives of a group of high schoolers that are part of a diving/ scuba diving club. The story focuses on a vibrant girl nicknamed, Pikari, and her friend "Teko" who happens to be an extremely shy girl, attempting to try new activities. Episodic anime, following the shenanigans of these kids, not too plot heavy.
- Tuesday, March 14, 2017

First blogpost of 2017... almost two months in. Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been preoccupied with young adult pre-occupations, work, and school. I'll try my best to write more often, since I enjoy writing! To start off, this writeup will contain spoilers, so don't read any further if you have not seen Soushitsu!
So I was so excited to watch Soushitsu, yet by the end of this movie I have to label this as my least favourite out of the four so far... but still enjoyable! I felt like this movie was going to be the best so far since it focused on Sora, who I think is the most "character diverse" figure out of the gang. Didn't feel that way though since the last two episodes had me in slight confusion. Anyhow, here are my thoughts on Digimon Adventure Tri Soushitsu, after watching it a few days ago. This post is going to be different from my other Digimon Tri reviews where I'm just going to list and elaborate on aspects that I enjoyed and disliked about Soushitsu.
- Tuesday, February 28, 2017