- Friday, September 29, 2017

It's over, it's finally over, the lengthy Tenpei cup is over! By the end of this episode I was glad this arc was done with, it was dragged out for far too many episodes. The quantity wasn't my issue, but the quality of this arc was so up and down within the five episodes. Having said that I did enjoy my overall experience with the Tenpei cup, and I found the ending to my satisfaction.
- Saturday, September 16, 2017

Caught a cold this week so I'm feeling under the weather, this happens every year around this time... I'm almost certain that I'm cursed... haha. Not much to talk about for this week's episode of Ballroom, so it's a short writeup this week. The episode was underwhelming after coming off the heels of a very colourful Mako episode from last week.
- Monday, September 11, 2017

Finally we're at the finals of the Tenpei cup this week. The moment we've been waiting for, or should I say the moment I've been waiting for. It was an episode that centred around Mako and Tatara for sure, with emphasis on Mako and her dancing capabilities.
- Monday, September 04, 2017