- Sunday, October 22, 2017

Busy week of midterms, and work but I'm cleared through the woods and I have the entire week off since! Here goes nothing trying to scrap something quick before episode sixteen is released. Wasn't too sure of what to expect coming off of Tatara and Chinatsu's D-class rank up, but this episode took me by surprise.
- Saturday, October 21, 2017

This week's episode was just one of those.. "meh" episodes. Nothing too much to talk about since not much happened, or nothing of interest happened is a better way to put it. We're at the point where Chinatsu and Tatara are working out the knots and kinks in their dance companionship.
- Saturday, October 14, 2017

My heart flatlined after watching this episode. It was that good. The full introduction of Chinatsu, Gaju being nice yet again, the flowering bond between Chinatsu and Tatara, the OST, etc.. There was so much packed, and evenly distributed into this episode that made that that enjoyable to watch.
- Friday, October 06, 2017