Ballroom e Youkoso – 20

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Hmm... this week's episode was for the most part uneventful, it was still fun to watch mostly because the episode slanted more on the comedic side rather than focusing on the dance tournament itself. But hey.. not that big of a surprise given what we've got 20 episodes in.

Honest to God not much happened, we saw Chinatsu dethronthing Akira, a bit of dancing the heats qualifying for the semi-finals, and Hyoudou mounting himself on Tatara to "stretch" him out. After the last heat qualifying for the semis, I was hoping that somehow Tatara's family would be in some capacity supporting him. Unfortunately that did not happen, I'm still giving Tatara the side-eye for being mum about his passion for dance. I would feel weird if my dance partner's family was there cheering like mad, and I'm just there alone with no support. I've read somewhere that Tatara's mother has yet to be introduced in the manga, so maybe I'm just getting my hopes up with this whole Tatara's family magically appearing out of no where and supporting him in this tournament.

The episode ended on Hyoudou mounting himself on Tatara and doing some sort of stretch to his muscles that has Tatara flinging around while starting off the semi-finals. We'll see more of this on the next episode, but I'm just like how can two stretches cause someone to pingpong on the floor? Not a critique, just something I found funny when the episode decided to finish off with that.

In other news.. incase you have not seen/heard; the Ballroom e Youkoso OST covers were released this week! I've included the tweets corresponding to the covers. Don't they look amazing? Chinatsu and Tatara's neck look actually normal, and very elegant holding that waltz pose. However we do get a homage to the anime necks on the cover for the character songs haha. December 6th is the release date, and I'm way too excited to grab this and blasting each song on the disc on repeat.

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